"KazSpas 2018"
On September 11, Eurasia Motors was the participant of the annual republican gathering-seminar “Kazspas-2018”. The event was held in the Almaty region at the training ground “Rock City – Astana”. It was attended by members of the regional international organization CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organization), representatives from Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan.

Here the teams of professional rescuers competed in all-round at the distance “Search and rescue operations in the conditions of man-made disasters and the natural environment”. The main task of the teams during the competition was to find the “victims” and “dead”, release them, provide first aid, evacuate them to a safe place.

Eurasia Motors represented Can-Am ATVs and SSVs, which, being universal equipment for the most extreme conditions, perfectly suit as assistants to experts saving people’s lives. Also, Eurasia Motors for the first time introduced the hydraulic emergency rescue equipment of Weber Rescue Systems to the attention of the participants of the seminar. Here, the possibilities of such tools as cutters, spreaders, rescue jacks, etc. were demonstrated.

There are a lot of impressions after the seminar! The preparation of the rescuers themselves and the level of equipment were especially good- Kazakhstan can be proud of a worthy arsenal of advanced technology and vehicles for emergencies. We are pleased that the BRP units and the rescue equipment of Weber Rescue Systems were among them!